National Institute for Directing & Ensemble Creation
Pangea World Theater and Art2Action collaborate to bring you The National Institute for Directing and Ensemble Creation! This groundbreaking Institute provides a unique experience for theatre artists to collaborate and share methodologies of directing and ensemble creation in an environment with special emphasis on non-Western techniques and social justice.
The Institute is committed to supporting the professional development and exchange among artists of color, LGBTQ2+ and women directors.
2019 Professional Peer Exchange
Video by Mindtwist Studios
“An extraordinary resource for directors to develop their craft and find solidarity with a community of peers and mentors.”
Dan Kwong
Great Leap
“It further informed and deepened my directorial practice and commitment more than any other program could possibly do.”
Kamilah Forbes
Hip Hop Theatre Festival
“The Institute has the potential to coalesce this spirit and commitment into a powerful tool to educate ourselves, the next generation of unique theater makers and directors, and an infinite number of other fields and disciplines.”
Theresa Chavez
About Productions
The National Institute for Directing & Ensemble Creation is organized by Art2Action Inc. and Pangea World Theater, developed in partnership with Alternate ROOTS, CAATA, First Peoples Fund, NALAC, NPN, NEFA, NET and TCG. The 2017-18 Institute series is made possible by the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, and the First People’s Fund; with previous support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts.