Self Care for Artists: Identifying Needs, Implementing Practices
Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Soo Visual Arts Center, 2909 Bryant Ave S #101, Minneapolis, MN
SooVAC's space is designed for accessibility, and is ADA compliant.
Co-hosted by Patrick's Cabaret, Soo Visual Arts Center and Pangea World Theater
As artists on the edge of culture, many of us expend a great amount of energy and emotional resources just surviving--instead of thriving--in the world on a daily basis. It’s essential that we care for ourselves before and while we are putting our work into the world. This workshop will focus on self-care and wellness for artists; specifically, participants will learn the basics of self-care, the importance of establishing a daily ritual/routine that works for them, and identifying one’s needs. A list of community resources will be provided to participants.
This workshop is the second of five that will be held throughout November and December, 2017. The series is a collaboration between Patrick's Cabaret, Soo Visual Arts Center, and Pangea World Theater. This program is intended to create collaborative space for artists to share their skills with fellow artists and organizers, to strengthen relationships and build resilience, and to provide opportunities for artists to put their knowledges to work.
Please register in advance, as space is limited. We ask a $5-10 sliding scale, but have full subsidies available if you need. Snacks and other refreshments will be available.

This workshop is designed and led by grey doolin, M.Ed. a queer- and trans-identified artist, healer, consultant, activist-educator, and true-heart. They have a background in community mental health and Midwestern landscapes. They live and work in Minneapolis where they are a cat dad, bextie, friend, ally, advocate, and member within a vital queer family and community. You can learn more about their work at