Spring is officially here, and we are so excited to share this season of growth and transformation with you. As new life unfolds around us, we take inspiration and hope from this reminder that the world around us is constantly changing.
Your presence in our circle makes this community a better place.
This Spring we have two important fundraising events coming up
to support Pangea's work of building community through theater and art:
GiveMN's #SpringForwardMN, and our 25-Day Virtual Gala!
#SpringForwardMN will be a statewide giving event to support Minnesota nonprofits. Every dollar raised through this campaign will resource Pangea’s Education Programming. This includes our conversation series Reimagining Education, our upcoming
Global Youth Summit, workshops, and more.
Pangea World Theater is celebrating 25 years of theater that stands for intersectionality and justice this year. We will be hosting a 25-day Virtual Gala from June 6th through June 30th.
Join us for behind-the-scenes looks, interviews with artists, a silent auction, and more!
Both of these fundraising events are opportunities for you to
invest in the art that makes a difference in your community.
Thank you for being a part of our circle!